Delicate white violets show their purple splashed throats. by Grandma Pearl |
Today it is all about the white I see in Nature.
White violets are some of my earliest wildflowers to bloom. To the Victorians white violets meant modesty and innocence, honesty and humility; the religious connotation is that of faithfulness and spiritual understanding, death and resurrection.
All kinds of bees and bee flies find these dainty flowers irresistible!
Male Hairy Woodpecker enjoying a bountiful breakfast. by Grandma Pearl |
This beautiful white and black male Hairy Woodpecker is looking over his ample choices for breakfast. I purchased a small bag of fruit and nut bird seed mix and combined it with regular black oil sunflower seeds. My birds are definitely enjoying the variety. I also occasionally add pieces of day-old bread as a special treat. Mr. Hairy obviously doesn't know what to choose first!
Coltsfoot, also known as coughwort,
Coltsfoot was probably brought to North America from Europe by the colonists because of its usefulness as an herbal solution to lung problems.
This herb grows in groups in waste areas in early spring, and blooms even before the dandelions emerge and flower. It is one of the first nectar sources used by honeybees. Prized by birds as a soft lining for their nests, it appears at just the right time in the spring!
Its leaves resemble a horse's hoof, and fully mature only after the flower has withered. All parts of the plant were used medicinally. Coltsfoot as a healing resource goes back to the ancient times of Pliny and Galen.
Arabis 'Snowcrop' perennial by Grandma Pearl |
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White narcissus by Grandma Pearl |
Lovely and familiar, my narcissus stand proudly against the cool spring breezes without batting an eye! They are reliable harbingers of the season with their sunny yellow centers. Every day they greet me with a nod and a reflection of brilliant sunshine. The squirrels scurry back and forth in my bulb garden without causing any injury to these hardy narcissus. It is necessary to keep them behind a fence though, because the deer think they are just another part of the salad buffet around here!
Serviceberry Tree in full bloom. by Grandma Pearl |
Flowers bloom in May here, then fruits appear in June; which is also the time when shad (fish) start spawning, thus the alternative names.
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Mama Chickadee will soon be tending her nestlings. by Grandma Pearl |
White and black chickadees chat happily among themselves while busily tending their nests. My newest batch of chickadees should be hatching soon. Several days ago I saw this little bird with a beakful of dandelion fluff. I'm sure she used it to line her nest inside the bird house she has chosen for her babies' nursery. Both the male and female spent 2 days gathering materials to add to the loose grass cup they made. When the babies have hatched, I will attempt to carefully open the birdhouse and quietly take a picture of her brood.
Cherry Blossom up close. by Grandma Pearl |
White Quartz Rock by Grandma Pearl |
I have a collection of white quartz that I have found around here. This piece that is about the size of a hen's egg will be added to my others. It sparkles in the sunshine, but that doesn't really show up in this picture. I have also found some sandstone with mica flecks.
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Nuthatch foraging under bird feeder by Grandma Pearl |
Grandma Pearl
original post 5/13
Connie, I love your tribute to white in this post. This morning 4 White Ibises were walking the easement in front of my property dipping their long beaks into the ground to have breakfast 'out'. It was awesome. They weren't afraid of me at all. I got pretty close to them and took several shots. I haven't uploaded them to my computer yet - I hope they came out!
Oh, I saw my mystery bird again today. She actually came out of her comfort zone and flew up into a neighboring oak tree. I'm not sure, but I think I may have heard a faint peep coming from the spot where I usually see her.
Shauna, What a way to end 2013! I can't wait to see your pictures of the Ibises. How cool was that to be that close to such amazing birds. And how appropriate to this post of White!
I'm glad your mystery bird is back. She probably never left-just stayed hidden from view. Thanks for the awesome updates.
Happy New Year!
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