
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Why You Need to Keep Feeding the Birds in the Springtime

Help Out Mom  & Pop!

Adult birds work their feathers off providing protein-rich insects and creepy crawlies for their offspring.
Offering easy meals at the bird feeder helps them tremendously.  They don't have to spend time and energy foraging for themselves, and they can devote more time to poking good stuff down their babies' throats!
So make it easy on your poor mom and pop birds, and continue to feed them until their babies have 'flown the coop'.
If you have bears in your area, they will be waking up about now, too.  So I totally understand if you have no choice but to hide your bird feeders from the big hungry animals!
Otherwise, do make sure your feeders are well stocked during this critical time in your birds' lives.

Grandma Pearl

Photo Attribution:


  1. It makes perfect sense, Connie. I think all species can use a little help feeding the young uns from time to time. Even humans! :-)

  2. Absolutely Shauna!

    I know I'd appreciate a free ready-made meal if I had to scramble to fill up all those little mouths!


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